Saturday, April 19, 2008

Looking to Upgrade?

My youngest sister and her husband are moving from Utah to Iowa City this summer. They just put their condo up for sale and are looking for the right buyer to buy a great home.

Check it out.

Thursday, April 17, 2008


Anyone want to check out the Mother Of All Blog Entries?

My wife did a wonderful job summarizing her trip. Check it out.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

To the future

I recently found out my sister-in-law secured a job as a teacher at a
newer elementary school in Utah County. Congratulations to her! Well

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Interesting Night

Last night I learned some interesting things.

1. Iron Chef is more than just the one hour you see on the show. Apparently the chefs and their crews have some time to plan out their dishes. I thought the clock starts when the secret ingredient is revealed, that they just come up with all those dishes from their head.

2. OxyClean really works. Verified by three sources.

3. People in Florida have exotic animals as pets and it is just accepted as such by the other residents of the state. Maybe some of the plots on CSI Miami aren't too far fetched.

4. Ricky Schroeder really is LDS. From a brother of a friend that worked with him in scouts.

5. Snoop Dogg is not LDS.

6. Reverse psychology works on young kids.

7. Katie and I have some wonderful friends.