Saturday, March 10, 2007

Toilets & Mirrors

I have been to a few different countries during my time on this planet, but by no means would I consider myself a world traveler. That being said, one aspect of world travel that I feel I can talk about is the bathroom or restroom. I think I have used restrooms in 7 countries and Texas. That might not impress some of you that probably have visited more than that on a cruise to the Caribbean. Who cares...I do.

We were fortunate enough to get a mobile trailer with some toilets and sinks at our place of employment. For whatever reason (probably a financial one) the building I work in does not have running water or restroom facilities. Everything was done in the porta-johns outside the building. Not too bad right now, but when the temperature rises, I am told it is not pleasant sitting down in the porta-john when it is 130 degrees out. So, our leadership hooked us up with this trailer...3 stalls and a sink on the male side and 2 stalls and a sink on the women's side (another story on why I know that).

I think our friends from the defense contractor built out the trailer for us and some of them are not citizens of the US, a majority of them may not be more than 5 feet tall. Why is this important? When the average American male sits down on the toilet in this new trailer he doesn't have enough room and his knees bang up against the stall door. These stalls aren't built for most of us. I am just glad I am not as tall as some of the guys in the unit. None of us complain, though, as it beats the porta-johns any day.

The mirror was the same. Hanging right over the sink, perfect for someone standing no taller than 58 inches. It took about 5 weeks until someone moved it. I am not sure if it was one of the guys in the unit or one of the contractors that had to borrow a ladder.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Are there Umpa Loompas in Iraq building bathroom units.