Sunday, June 15, 2008

Party Success

The rain came and went and so did our friends. The party was great though we had to trim down the activities. Actually, there was no fishing, no tennis, and no kayak races. Our neighbors kids brought over their Wii and Guitar Hero, so there was some entertainment in the basement.
The evening was mostly about eating and conversation. Katie made some wonderful salads and the burgers and hot dogs were great. We need to do that again.


Andrea said...

Sorry to miss it but thanks for the plate of food :) Not as spicy as I was hoping for, seeing as I usually eat a few haberno peppers on my burgers, but still tasty. Shawn had a great night, at least I think that's what he said when he crawled into bed in the middle of the night...

CPT K said...

We loved having him over. Ready for 30?